Critical Edition of Music : Some Reflections about the History and Concepts of Musical Editing - and Their Relevance for the Edition of Musical Theoretical Writings of the 16th Century

Scheideler, Ullrich

Critical Edition of Music: Some Reflections about the History and Concepts of Musical Editing – and Their Relevance for the Digital Edition of Musical Theoretical Writings of the 16th century


Séminaire TMG - L'Édition électronique des exemples musicaux rencontrés dans TMG : encodage, visualisation et interrogation



11 décembre 2015

The critical edition of music started in the 19th century mostly with composers of the 18th century (Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederic Handel), but also with works of the 16th century. One of the major aims was to present an accurate musical text, which should show the intention of the composer as clear as possible. Therefore the editions were based (after the filiation and evaluation of the sources) on early prints or written copies. However there was a tension between the original text on one side and the practical purpose for the present on the other side. Therefore even in editions, which we would label today as “Urtext”, we will find modernizations in order to make the music easier readable (f. e. clefs or bar lines). The history of musical edition shows different solutions how to deal with these different requirements.

The paper will discuss some editions of Josquin Desprez, Orlando di Lasso and others and will ask which of the concepts could be relevant for a digital edition of the music examples in musical theoretical writings. Furthermore the new edition of Cochlaeus’ Musica by Klaus Jürgen Sachs will be examined in respect of the decisions how to present the music examples.

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